تہذیب آرنلڈ جوزف ٹائن بی اور اسلامی تہذیب کی تشکیل و اِرتقاء؛ ا یک تجزیاتی جائزہ

Arnold J. Toynbee's View about the Formation and Evolution of Islamic Civilization: An Analytical Study

  • Dr. Muzaffar Ali NUML
Keywords: Arnold J. Toynbee, Islamic History, Islamic Civilization


Arnold J. Toynbee is a philosopher of history. He has given a civilizational thought to the history. He has divided civilizations from a historical perspective. According to him, during their evolution the number of civilizations has fell from 21 to 5 in the contemporary world. He acknowledges that religion has played a significant role in the rise and fall of civilizations.  Number of Muslim historians have appreciated his stance, his work nonetheless shows many aspects to be reassessed. His approach to the Islamic Civilization has several problems. This article attempts to reflect upon his study and methodology in understanding Islamic civilization. It also aims to remove some misconceptions of the West that are based on Toynbee's understating of the Islamic civilization and history.


Corneia Navari, Arnold Toynbee (1889-1975): Prophecy and Civilization, (Source: Review of International Studies, Vol. 26, No. 2 (Apr., 2000), 289-301, Published by: Cambridge University Press), 289, 290.

Cornelia Navari, Ibid.10.

Krishan Kumar, "The Return of Civilization—and of Arnold Toynbee?" Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol: 56, Issue 4, October 2014, pp. 815-843, University of Virginia. 815.

Ibid. 816.

Arnold Toynbee, Mutala e Tareekh, Tarjuma, Ghulam Rasool Mahar, Vol. 2 (Lahore, Majlis Tarqi Adab, nd.), 557.

Naīfan Ǧmʿẗ ʿalm al-dīn, Flsfẗ Al-Tārīẖ ʿnd Arnūld Twynbī, (Egypt, AlHyat- Almisriat-o lil Kitab, 1991),21.

Arnūld Twynbī, Mẖtṣr Drāsẗ al-tārīẖ, Mūǧz: Smr fīl, Trǧmẗ: fuʾād mḥmd šbl, Vol. 1, (Cairo, Hqūq al-trǧmẗ wālnšr bālʿrbīẗ mḥfūẓẗ llmrkz al-qūmī lltrǧmẗ, 2011), 21; Naīfan Ǧmʿẗ ʿalm al-dīn, Flsfẗ Al-Tārīẖ ʿnd Arnūld Twynbī (ālhīʾiẗ al-mṣrīẗ al-tāmẗ llktāb, 1991), 107.

Arnūld Twynbī, Mẖtṣr Drāsẗ al-tārīẖ, Vol. 1, 21.

Arnold Toynbee, Mutala e Tareekh, Vol. 1, 840; Aḥmd Maḥmūd Al-Ṣbḥī, fī flsfẗ al-tārīẖ, (al-āskndrīẗ, Muʾssẗ al-ṯqāfẗ al-ǧāmʿīẗ, 1975), 266-7.

Naīfan Ǧmʿẗ ʿalm al-dīn, Flsfẗ Al-Tārīẖ ʿnd Arnūld Twynbī, 87; Dr. Aḥmd Maḥmūd Al-Ṣbḥī, fī flsfẗ al-tārīẖ, 269.

Arnūld Twynbī, Mẖtṣr Drāsẗ al-tārīẖ, Vol. 1, 11.

Cornelia Navari, Arnold Toynbee (1889-1975): Prophecy and Civilization,. 292.


Arnold Tynbee, Mutala e Tarikh, 839.

Ibid.62, 56, 58, 68, 71, 72,77


Ibid.1/ 240-242.

Ibid.21, 637, 637.

Arnūld Twynbī, Mẖtṣr Drāsẗ al-tārīẖ, 11.

Arnold Tynbee, Mutala e Tarikh, 386.



Arnold J. Toynbee, Civilization on Trial (New York, Oxford University Press, 1948), 184.


Muhamd Bin Ismail Al-Buẖārī, Sahi Bukhri, (Beīrūt, Dar ul Kasir, 1987), Kitāb Al-ʾādb 272. No. 5997.

Arnold Tynbee, Mutala e Tarikh, 522,23.

See: Mahdī ʿabdu Al-Ḥamīd Ḥusīn, Aʿābd Barāk Al-ʾanṣārī, "Awāmil Al-Taḥaḍur ʿind Aibn ẖalidūn Watuwaīnbī "Dirāsẗ Muqārnẗ", Muǧalẗ Al-Malwyẗ Lildrāsāt Aṯārīẗ Wāltārīẖīẗ, Vol. 4, Issue# 7, (Ǧāmʿẗ Sāmrāʾ, 2017), 10, 11.

Arnold Tynbee, Mutala e Tarikh, 169.

Raghib Al-Tabbakh, Tarikh Afkar o Uloom e Islam, Tarjuma, Iftekhar Balki, Vol: 1, Edi, 3 (Lahore, Islamic Publications Ltd, 1983), 329.

Arnold Tynbee, Mutala e Tarikh, 722, 724

Ibid.Vol: 2, 99.


Arnūld Tuwynbī, Tārīẖi Al-Abšrīẗ, Naqlh Ili Al-ʿrbīẗ: Naqūlā Zīādh, (Ālʾahlīẗ Lilnašr Wāltaūzīʿ, Baīrūt – 2004), 453; Aḥmd Maḥmūd Al-Ṣbḥī, fī flsfẗ al-tārīẖ, 284-287 and 269.

Ibid.284–287, 269.

Ibid.Vol: 2, 720.

Ibid.Vol: 1, 615.

Arnūld Tuwynbī, Tārīẖi Al-Abšrīẗ ,457.

Arnold Tynbee, Mutala e Tarikh, 369.

Ibid.283, 284.
