An Analytical Study of the Theory of Separation between Religion and Politics

The Theory of Separation between Religion and Politics.

  • Dr. Mohsin Raza Hashmi USWA College Islamabad
  • Fouzia Batool
Keywords: Religion, Politics, Islam, Rational Arguments


The connection between religion and politics has become a prominent issue in modern society. The connection between religion and politics relates to whether religion provides instructions and plans for people's social, political, and corporal requirements, as well as if religion is accountable for their spiritual and individual needs. There is a significant gap between Western and Islamic religious and political thought. Islamic laws and teachings, by their very nature, imply that in addition to spiritual and individual laws, there are also political, communal, and societal rules. Religion, on the other hand, has been reduced in Western countries to the idea that it is just the term for the individual's relationship with God, and that it has nothing to do with communal or political issues. Collective, political, and international concerns, as well as the relationship between government and people and the interaction between various governments, are all independent of the relationship between man and God in this respect. They are unrelated to religion in any way. Such a charge has reverberated throughout Islamic society. Thus, many Muslim intellectuals are even convinced that politics and its affairs are not subject to religion and divine guidance, rather like other numerous matters, political affairs depend on one's own consideration and understanding of the conditions of society. Nevertheless, both the thoughts have rational arguments for their claims. This research paper deals with the critical analysis of these rational and logical arguments. This article will illuminate further angles of research.



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