الحاد: تعارف اور تاریخ- ایک تحقیقی جائزہ

Atheism, Introduction & History: An Analytical Review

  • shahbazabbasi abbasi n/a
Keywords: Atheism, Islam, Atheistic Movements


Atheism refers to the denial of the existence of Almighty God. A society where atheistic thinking is on the rise, the society is on the verge of destruction. People with atheistic ideas, especially the youth, fall prey to many social and cultural, spiritual and moral, mental and psychological evils. Today our society is surrounded by many moral and social obscenities. In these circumstances, it is the duty of Muslim scholars in a Muslim society to shed light on the nature of atheism and its causes, to refute atheistic ideas through scientific arguments, and to adopt policies in the education and training of the younger generation. The definition, history and nature of atheism have been highlighted in this article for the same purpose.


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