انتظامیہ کا جدیدتصور اور اس کی اسلامی بنیادیں

Modern Concept of Administration and its Islamic Bases

  • Tehmina University of Education Lahore
Keywords: معاشرہ, حکومت, انتظامیہ, اسلامی تعلیمات


Man is a collectivist and social creature for whom it is impossible to live without society. But the survival

of a society initself depends on social discipline and arrengments. The modern concept of social order is the concept of statehood and government. And the government is incomplete in itself without the modern concept of administration. The Lack of good governance and administration, brings a society to the brink of destruction. In such a case , human life cannot be easy, nor can the collective balance of the society be maintained. The solution to this problem is the establishment of such social arrangements and institutions that do not determine and protect the individual and collective rights of the people, but only encourage people to social struggle.

On the other hand, Islam is the religion of humanity. And this is the complete rule of individual and collective life of man. Therefore, the existence of administration is inevitable in the concept of collectivity of Islam. Islam has determined the duties of both the ruler and the public and has provided an excellent state administration. Therefore, where intellectual foundations can be found for the contemporary concept of administration in the light of Islamic teachings, Islamic teachings can also be used for its sustainability.

While highlighting the modern concept of administration, this article has attempted to explore its Islamic foundations, showing how the modern concept of administration can be stabilized and developed in the light of Islamic teachings. The article is divided into four sections:

The first section describes the importance of administration. In the second section, a brief introduction of the modern concept of administration and especially the administrative structure of Islamic Republic of Pakistan has been given. In the third section, the basic characteristics of an ideal administration are described.

Finally, in the fourth section, while highlighting the Islamic foundations of

the modern concept of administration, the ways and methodology of further development in the modern concept of administration on the basis of Islamic teachings is explored.


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