تفسیرفہم القرآن کی روشنی میں غزوہ تبوک سے متعلق روایاتِ سیرت کاتجزیاتی مطالعہ

An Analytical Study of the Sirah Narrations Related to the Battle of Tabuk (In the Light of Tafsir Fahmu-ul- Quran)

  • shah married abdu wali khan universty mardan
Keywords: غزوہ تبوک کی عصری معنویت, ،تفسیرفہم القرآن, فہم القرآن, میاں محمد جمیل


Every aspect of the Holy Prophet's life is a beacon for us. One of the most important events in Holy prophet's life and career is connected with the Battle of Tabuk (Gazwa-e-Tabuk). Therefore, the analytical study of the narrations related to that is of special importance. So, this article discusses the event in the light of Main Muhammad Jameel's Tafseer, Fahm al-Qur'an, in two stages. In the first stage, the narrations related to this event have been analyzed critically. In the second stage, the contemporary significance of these narrations has been highlighted.

Actually, the battle of Tabuk took place in such a situation when the Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) were facing the most difficult situation in terms of weather conditions, lives and finances. But they accepted the order of Allah and the Messenger of Allah at that time and fought this battle.

By analyzing the battle of Tabuk, we get the best lesson about the love of the Companions for Islam and their obedience to the Holy Prophet, which is the best example for us regarding following the Prophet. During the study of this Ghazwa, we can learn about the teachings of the some basic themes of Islam, Combine of 2 prayers (الجمع بین الصلاتین) in the life of the Prophet, the purity of items made from the skin of a dead animal, the justification of disconnection for more than three days due to a Shariah excuse and to stay in the regions that were destroyed as a Gods' punishment.

Moreover, by revising this Gazwa, we learn how to speak according to the

occasion, the duty of Jihad by the command of the Amir, honoring the Companions, the virtues of Hazrat Uthman (R.A.) and Hazrat Ali, the justification for appointing a deputy Amir, the teaching of short prayer, the ranks of Jihad, avoiding lying, the justification of showing good deeds, the virtue of the pledge of allegiance, consulting everyone in a common matter, deciding on a person's appearance, prostration, gratitude, charity when receiving good news, charging jizya to Ahl-Kitab, and the strength of faith after trials.


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