الدراسة اللغویۃ لسورۃ الفاتحۃ من ناحية المستويات المختلفة
Linguistic Study of Surat Al-Fatih from the Different Levels
Searching in the Book of Allah is one of the greatest endeavors of human thought, as the linguistic researcher finds in it a special goal. The Qur’an is a linguistic source and a fertile tributary for phonetic, morphological and semantic studies, and if it were not for linguistic studies, linguistic studies would not have reached what they have reached. Muslims have taken care of his diaphragm and his writing in word and meaning.
The Linguistics is an important role for understanding the Qur’an and its secrets and symbols. This is concerned with linguistic studies in a scientific manner, in which he studies the structure of the language, how to structure its vocabulary, the formation of words in it, the knowledge of sounds specific to each word and the nature of its pronunciation. This science is distributed in the following four fields:
- Phonetics 2. Marphamatics 3. Syntax 4. Semantics.
This research aims to understand the Qur’anic formulas and what is presented to their performance in the light of semantics, morphology, grammar, and phonology. And to show the extent of the relationship of the Qur’anic formulas with the ancient Arabic dialects.
The research relies on a scientific method as close as possible to the descriptive-analytical method, such as studying the linguistic phenomena in the Qur’anic texts, with reference to the opinions of the ancients and modernists in them. It also includes the study of Surat Al-Fatihah in terms of different linguistic levels.
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