بین المذاہب بین المذاہب ہم آہنگی سیرتِ طیبہﷺکے تناظر میں(تجزیاتی مطالعہ)

An Analytical Study of Interfaith harmony in the context of Sirah E Taiba

  • Dr. Sada ESE, KPK, PK.
  • Dr. Ishfaq ESE, KPK, PK.
Keywords: Interfaith, Harmony, Seerah, Tolerance


The meaning of interfaith harmony becomes clear from the very term that it means to establish an atmosphere of peace and harmony and peace and love between all religions and to bring peace and tranquility and to promote it in a positive way among people. Interfaith harmony encourages life and thanks to this the followers of all religions can live in peace and harmony. The goal of interfaith harmony is harmony between religions. Can teach love, justice and compassion. Interfaith harmony gives rise to the concept of live-and-live policy. It is through interfaith harmony that economic imbalance and peaceful co-existence between followers of different religious faiths can be made possible.



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