The Perpetual Peace for Destroyed Gaza- One-State Solution

تباہ شدہ غزہ کے لیے دائمی امن - ایک ریاستی حل

  • Syed Qandil Abbas Quaid-i-Azam University
Keywords: One-State Solution, Palestine crisis, perpetual peace, Israel, al-Aqsa storm


The solution for the Palestine crisis remained one of the most critical issues in regional and international politics. This study is an attempt, to evaluate why even after 75 years; peace is not established in Palestine and why almost all the efforts of international powers and the United Nations have failed in this regard. Israel and pro-Israeli forces never complied with the United Nations' recommendation for a two-state solution. There are many events, which can be observed that explicitly confirm the rejection of the two-state solution. Additionally, there are many legal objections to the establishment of a two-state solution. However, the native people regardless of their religion and ethnicity have always demanded a single state so that a perpetual peace can be established. This motivation was one of the major driving forces behind the attack of 7th October 2023. But the current situation in the aftermath of the Al-Aqsa storm has left the areas of Palestine in ruins. To drive out of such a situation and atrocity, there is a need to settle a single state for the natives of the region which is the set principle for the transfer of mandate from colonizers to the local people. There should be a state which is meant to be equal for all of its citizens, which should be the natives of the land.



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