مغربی فلسفہ اور قرآن میں عقلانیت کے معنی اور اہمیت کا فہمِ مجدد
Reconsidering the Meaning and Status of Rationality in Western Philosophy and Quran
At present, our world is facing serious conflicts and crises amongst various civilization, particularly the Western and Islamic civilization that basically is emerged from epistemic thoughts. If these crises of world are not solved, the common people of world will face severe consequences. Therefore; it is dire need of time to understand the dominant episteme on western paradigm since last four century. It is also recommended that we scholars and researchers should reconsider the Quranic paradigm that has comprehensive and well-balanced episteme in order to make the world a better place for living. Quranic epistemology is comprehensive and encourage of the rational, experimental and intuitional perceptions. The core issue of the research article is reconsidering the term rationality that is one of the most attractive terms that have been ever used in social sciences and humanities. Western civilization has experienced various kinds of rationality from Aristotle to Jeremy Bentham and from Jeremy Bentham to contemporary philosophy but could not able to establish a well-balanced civilization. Quran introduces comprehensive and well-balanced episteme that is blessed with specific universal rationality. It has enough potential to solve the fundamental issues in order to make an ideal human society because it is very close to all instinct of human being
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