دوسری صدی ہجری تک کے شیعہ سیرت و تاریخ نویس
Shia biographers and historians up to the 2nd century Hijri
This article is a continuation of the series of articles taken from the book "Political History of Islam - Biography of Rasool Khuda" by the famous researcher and historian, Ustad Rasool Jafarian. In the previous articles, the historical mentality and historical legacy of the Arabs before the emergence of Islam, the historiography of Muslims after the emergence of Islam and its types, as well as the biography and biography of Ustad Rasool Jafarian have been presented. In the same way, a complete introduction to the compilations of the great biographers from the beginning of Muslim biographies to Aban Ibn Uthman, an important biographer of the second century, has been presented. Apart from this, a detailed research discussion has also been presented on the causes and factors of distortion in the biography of Muslims.
In the present paper, the role of the Shiites in the historiography of the Muslims has been highlighted. The author has introduced more or less 50 historical works of Shia historians. In the same way, he has presented an introduction to 20 Shia books on biographical writing along with reviewing the biography and history of the Prophets and the Holy Prophet.
At the end of this paper, two major types of historiography are introduced, namely "monograph" and "common and frequent" historiography, of which the former is assigned to each monograph with a specific topic and Abu Makhnaf, Madani and Kalbi. As attributed to historians; While the latter is described as the method adopted in the 3rd and 4th centuries by historians such as Caliph Ibn Khayat, Ya'qubi, Dinuri, and Tabari. In view of this, at the end of the paper, a detailed introduction to the works of Mr. Lut bin Yahya bin Saeed bin Makhnaf, known as "Ibn Makhnaf", a well-known and outstanding Shia biographer and historian, is presented.
1. Rasool, Jafarian, Tarikh-e Siyasi-e Islam, Seerat-e-Rasool-e Khuada(PBUH), Vol. 1, (Qom, Moasasa-e-dr Rah-e Haq, 1366 SH), 68-79.
2. Rasool, Jafarian, “Historiography and Muslims”, Quarterly Noor-e Marfat, Vol. 13, Issue 4, (2022): 83-98.
3. Rasool, Jafarian, “Biographical Writings: Since its Begninning to Abban bin Uthman (170 AH.), Quarterly Noor-e Marfat, Vol. 14, Issue 2, (2023): 22-52.
4. Rasool, Jafarian, “Distortion in Biography”, Quarterly Noor-e Marfat, Vol. 14, Issue 3, (2023), 90-109.
5. Asadullah al-Mamqani, Tanqih Al-Maqal, Vol. 1, (Tehran, Al-Murtazawiyyah, nd.), 150.
6. Muhammad Ibn Ishaaq bn Nadeem, Al-Fahrist Ibn Nadeem, (Tehran, Tibbat-Tadjad, 1393 SH), 166.
7. Al-Hafiz Muhammad bn Sulaiman Kufi Zaidi, Manaqib al-Imam Ameer al-Mu’minin Ali bn Abi Talib Karram Allah Wajoho, Vol. 1, 3 (Qom, Majmah Ihya Al-Saqafata al-Islamiyah, 1312 SH), 12, 177.
8. Ahmad bin Ali bin Ahmad Najashi al-Asadi al-Kufi, Rijaal Al-Najashi, Research: Al-Syed Musa al-Shabiri al-Zanjani, (nc., Antasharat-e-Islami, 1407 AH), 347.
9. Rasool, Jafarian, Tarikh-e Siyasi-e Islam, Seerat-e-Rasool-e Khuada(PBUH), Vol. 1, (Qom, Moasasa-e-dr Rah-e Haq, 1366 SH), 80.
10. Najashi, Rijaal Al-Najashi, 18; Ibn Hajar, al-Asqalani, Lasaan Al-Mizaan, Vol. 1 (Burit,, Mussisat al-Alami, 1390 SH), 103-102.
11. Yaqut Hamwi, Mujam al-Adaba, Vol. 1 (Burit, Dar al-Fikr, 1400 AH), 233.
12. …, Mitzvad al-Imamiat, (Tehran, Chaap Danesh Pazhoh, 1339 SH), 47.
13. …, al-Jamia Lakhlaq al-Rawi, Vol. 2, (nc., np., nd.), 288.
14. Ibn Kaseer al-Handbali, al-Badiyat wa al-Nahiat, Vol. 3 (Burit, Dar al-Kitab al- Ulamiya, 1409 AH), 242.
15. Muhammad bn Yusuf al-Salihi al-Shami, Subul al-Huda wal-Irshad fi Sirat Khair al-Abad, Research: Dr. Mustafa Abdal Wahid, Vol. 5, (Cairo, np., 1392 SH), 60.
16. Atan Gulbarg, Kitab Khana Ibn Tawoos wa Awaal wa Asaaro, Translate: Rasool Jafarian / Syed Ali Qarai, (Iran, Sadra, 1400 AH), 449-450.
17. Ibn Abi Al-Hadid, Sherah Nahj al-Balaghah, Research: Muhammad Abul Fazal Ibrahim, Vol. 15 (Egypt, Darahiya al-kitab al-0Arabiya, 1387 SH), 23-24.
18. Ahmad bn Muhammad bn Al-Yaqubi, Tarikh al-Yaqubi, Vol. 2, (Beirut, Darasadar, 1383 SH), 403.
19. Ibn 'Uddi, Al-Kamil fi-Wasqa'a Al-Rijal, Vol. 6, (Beirut, Darul-Fikr, nd.), Sh. 2110.
20. Shams al-Din Zhahbi, Mizan al-Aitdal, Vol. 3, (Beirut, Dar al-Marafah, 1382 SH), 2992.
21. Ibn Hanbal Shaybani, Ahmad, Musnad Ahmad bn Hanbal, Vol. 2, 4, 5, (Beirut, Darasadar, 1421 AH), 183, 215, 76.
22. Ahmad bn Shuaib, Al-Nasa'i, Sunan al-Nasa'i, Vol. 7, (Riyadh, Dar al-Salaam Lil-Nasher wa altuzohzai, 2013), 167.
23. Shakir Mustafa, Al Tarikh Al-Arabi wa Al-Mu'arkhoon, Vol. 1, (Beirut, Dar al-Elam Lalmulayain, 1983), 178.
24. Yahya bn Ibrahim bn Ali Al-Yahiya, Marwayat Abi Makhnaf fi Tarikh al-Tabari, (Riyadh, Dar al-Aasma, 1432 AH/2011), 58.
25. Abbas, Al-Qomi, Al-Kani wa Al-Al-Qaab, Vol. 1, (Qom, Bidar, nd.), 155.
26. Ibn Abi Al-Hadid, Sherah Nahj al-Balaghah, Vol. 1, 145; Al-Shaikh Muhammad Taqi al-Tastri, Qamoos al-Rijal, Vol. 7, (Tehran, Markaz Nasher al-Kitab, 1397 SH), 447.
27. Suzkin, Fouad, Tarikh al-Turath al-Arabi, Vol. 2, Part 2 (Qom, Kitab Khana Ayatulla Murashi, 1381 SH).